a blog to develop Diabetes education topics in Indian regional languages. concentrating on Hindi,telugu शिक्षाభారతీయ భాషలో మదుమెహ విద్య tamilபாரதீய பாஷயில் மதுமேஹ வ்த்யை to begin with Acupuncture, DHEA, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, , medicine, Geriatrics, India, Public Health,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
info in gujrathi માંદુમેહ ડયબેઠિજ્ દયબેટિસ્ ડયબેઠિક્
in gujrathi
માંદુમેહ ડયબેઠિજ્ દયબેટિસ્ ડયબેઠિક્
दयाबेठिस से बचे रहने के लिए हेडिंग पर क्लिक करे
NDEP का पाम फ्लेट
हेडिंग पर क्लिक करे
Multilingual NDEP Diabetes Campaign
Multilingual NDEP Diabetes Campaign
The National Diabetes Education Program has launched a national campaign reaching out to health care professionals and their patients to emphasize the importance of comprehensive control of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The “Control Your Diabetes. For Life.” program features free brochures and tip sheets including “Take Care of Your Heart. Manage Your Diabetes,” “Guiding Principles for Diabetes Care,” and “Diabetes Numbers at-a-Glance.” Several brochures are available in Spanish, and there are offerings translated into 15 other languages, including Chinese, Hindi, Hmong, Tagalog, Thai, and more.
For more information, call 888-693-6337 or visit www.YourDiabetesInfo.org.
Repeat Perfusion Imaging Helps Assess CAD Risk in Diabetics
Repeat Perfusion Imaging Helps Assess CAD Risk in Diabetics
NEW YORK — Negative results in a myocardial perfusion imaging study offer no assurance that a patient won't later develop coronary artery disease, especially if the patient has diabetes and more than 2 years have passed since the negative study,
“Physicians need to have a low threshold for doing repeat myocardial perfusion imaging [MPI] on a patient with diabetes,” he said. “They need to have a broad definition of the symptoms that should trigger a second MPI in these patients.”
Examples of atypical symptoms that should raise concern about coronary disease in patients with diabetes include dyspnea, sharp chest pain, and variable responses to exertionMidlife Diabetes Diagnosis Doubles Dementia Risk
Midlife Diabetes Diagnosis Doubles Dementia Risk
A midlife diagnosis of diabetes increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, based on results of a twin study including more than 13,000 individuals.
Previous studies have shown that people with diabetes are at increased risk for dementia, but little is known about the mechanism of action, wrote Dr. Weili Xu of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and the Stockholm Gerontology Research Center. Dr. Xu and colleagues conducted this twin study to examine the effect of diabetes on dementia and assess the possible role of genetics (Diabetes 2009;58:71–7).
Midlife Diabetes Diagnosis Doubles Dementia Risk
Midlife Diabetes Diagnosis Doubles Dementia Risk
A midlife diagnosis of diabetes increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, based on results of a twin study including more than 13,000 individuals.
Previous studies have shown that people with diabetes are at increased risk for dementia, but little is known about the mechanism of action, wrote Dr. Weili Xu of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and the Stockholm Gerontology Research Center. Dr. Xu and colleagues conducted this twin study to examine the effect of diabetes on dementia and assess the possible role of genetics (Diabetes 2009;58:71–7).
Glossary of English to Hindi Terms शब्दावली अंग्रेजी से हिंदी शर्तें FRUITS फल English अंग्रेज़ी Hindi हिन्दी Apple सेब Sabe Sabe Bael...
Chikan Chaaval Pandrah Recipe Makes 4 servings easy quick rice chiken dish Ingredients 1 tablespoon oil 1 1/4 lb chicken ,...
there are 2 big problems in islet cell transplants for curing (see the word CURE )diabetes . 1) lack of sufficent donor is...